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Professional Furnace Service

To handle the intensive and extensive demands of winter weather in Dracut, the furnace better be in peak condition. Even minor issues cause major problems with energy waste, contaminated air quality and unsatisfactory comfort. If ignored, a bit of wear and tear can quickly graduate into total system failure and emergency furnace replacement. Be sure of the operation of your furnace. Schedule maintenance from the HVAC professionals at Prestige Heating & Cooling.

Our proactive measures make a big difference over the course of the winter as well as the longer lifespan of the furnace. Our factory authorized, licensed and certified technicians provide intensive troubleshooting to help you avoid sudden repairs. They check over all components, test operation, verify safety, clean the inner workings, tighten, lubricate and so much more. The result is a furnace running at maximum efficiency, capacity and reliability.

Your Dedicated Team of Furnace Experts

Prestige Heating & Cooling handles all makes and models of residential and commercial furnaces. We’re happy to take on any type of challenge with the heating system. Over 8 years in-the-field, we’ve added to our resources, trimmed turnaround time and remained dedicated to exceptional customer service. We are your repair specialists and source for unmatched value, convenience and satisfaction.